V91 Release coming soon
12 Feb 2020
There is an update to our high-quality manual curation on 4 new classic genes including the focus on testicular; other male cancers and breast implant related lymphoma.
We are also updating our ICGC dataset to v28, which includes 2 new studies: ICGC( BPLL-FR ) : B-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia - FR and ICGC( GACA-JP ) : Gastric Cancer - JP; with a complete re-annotation using Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP).
In response to user feedback we are providing a new mutation tracking file to map the legacy COSM/COSN IDs to the genomic ID (COSV).
We are also improving our VCF files to include normalised and non-normalised versions, both including HGVS (p. and c.) syntaxes; alongside ENST and ENSP syntaxes.
We are bringing COSMIC-3D data to be in sync with COSMIC v91, including new transcripts and annotations, with the latest UNIPROT accessions.
We are really excited about our upcoming release, if there is anything in COSMIC that would excite you, please let us know at cosmic@sanger.ac.uk