Want to learn more about how COSMIC can help you?
10 Dec 2020

COSMIC – the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer – is the world's largest source of expert manually curated somatic mutation information relating to human cancers.
COSMIC provides a huge breadth and depth of high quality somatic data, which has been carefully curated, combined and standardised, across 16 years of expert manual curation.
To date, we list over 37 million coding mutations plus substantial coverage of all other oncogenic mutation mechanisms (COSMIC v92, August 2020) for exploration, available on both GRCh 37 (hg19) and GRCh 38 (hg38) with consequence annotations on both parallel transcriptomes and proteomes.
We pride ourselves on being the gold standard in somatic databases and boast well over 10,000 citations. Our user base consists globally in excess of 20,000 registered scientists, bioinformaticians and clinicians, including multiple field leaders and prominent clinical and pharmaceutical companies.
Please click here to download our introductory guide to COSMIC.