COSMIC turns 14!
6 Feb 2018
Over the weekend, coincidentally on none other than World Cancer Day, COSMIC turned 14 and naturally we celebrated with cake.
We have also been reflecting on where we have come from, both as a resource and a team. COSMIC started as a couple of scientists building a data repository to store and access sequencing data from the Sanger Institute. The initial release of the website on the 4th of February 2004 contained only 1 gene - BRAF. From these humble beginnings, COSMIC has grown significantly. The team now numbers 22 people with a dedicated team of experts curating mutations across 206 genes. The database now consists of millions of mutations across the human genome and the website is accessed by thousands of users worldwide every day.
We want to thank our users for their support over the years. We hope you have found COSMIC useful and valuable, and that we can continue to serve the cancer research community for many years to come.