COSMIC-3D published in Nature Genetics
29 Aug 2018
We're thrilled to announce that COSMIC-3D (https://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic3d), our platform for exploring the protein sequence and structural nature of COSMIC cancer mutations, has just been published in Nature Genetics.
COSMIC-3D enables high-resolution interrogation of the structural and functional nature of cancer mutations. By default, the recurrence of missense cancer mutations across protein structures can be viewed for each individual gene. Individual mutations can further be selected from a sequence viewer, and displayed in the context of 3D protein structures. Understanding the position of mutations across experimental protein structures, and their juxtapositions with known and predicted small-molecule binding sites also provided in COSMIC-3D, paves the way for using mutation data to generate hypotheses of the impacts of mutations on protein structure and function, and for "Mutation-Guided Drug Design" in precision oncology.
To learn more, please take a look at the article, available from Nature Genetics at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0214-9.
The full-text of the article is viewable without a Nature Genetics subscription at https://rdcu.be/5qXF, thanks to the Springer Nature SharedIt initiative.
We hope that COSMIC-3D helps the wider community gain greater understanding of the impacts of cancer mutations and their druggability. If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback on how you're using or would like to use COSMIC-3D, please do get in touch cosmic@sanger.ac.uk.